Encourages New Yorkers to Participate in Special Promotions Throughout March and Maple Weekends March 16 – March 17 and March 23 – March 24.

Governor Kathy Hochul today encouraged New Yorkers to support their local maple producers during Maple Month. The Governor highlighted New York’s upcoming Maple Weekends events and activities, which will take place March 16 – March 17 and March 23 – March 24, along with other special events and promotions throughout the month. New York State continues to rank second in the nation in maple production and is also home to the largest resource of tappable maple trees within the United States and more than 2,000 maple sugar makers.


“With Maple Month officially underway, there’s no better time to support our local New York maple producers,” Governor Hochul said. “New York State is home to an incredibly hardworking community of maple producers making some of the most delicious and innovative maple products in the world. I encourage all New Yorkers to participate in Maple Weekends this month to sample some of the world-class items that local vendors have to offer.”


As part of the kickoff to Maple Month, New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Commissioner Richard A. Ball visited Dutch Hill Maple, a family-owned farm in Tully, NY for an annual maple tree tapping to highlight New York’s maple industry and the maple producers participating in the New York State Grown & Certified program. The event also included a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Dutch Hill Maple’s new sugarhouse, which was completed in 2023.


New York State Agriculture Commissioner Richard Ball said, “Every year in March, we celebrate maple, the first agricultural crop in New York State’s delicious harvest season! Thanks to our dedicated maple producers, including those who are in our NYS Grown & Certified program, New York continues to be a top maple producer in the country, contributing tremendously to our local communities and economies. With this sweet season officially underway, it’s the perfect time to visit a local maple producer, find out more about the syrup-making process, and taste some delicious New York products.


Maple Weekends

Throughout the month of March each year and the last two weekends of the month in particular, maple farms across the state open their doors to the public to provide a chance to taste pure maple syrup, right from the source, and experience the unique family tradition of making maple syrup in New York State. Producers offer tours and pancake breakfasts, sell maple products, and demonstrate the syrup-making process, which includes the traditional system of hanging buckets on trees or more modern methods of production using vacuum systems to increase the yield of sap per tree. A searchable list of Maple Weekend events is available at mapleweekend.nysmaple.com.


Maple Promotions

New York’s Taste NY Markets across the state are highlighting unique local maple products and producers during the month of March. Several markets are offering specials, including 20 percent off all maple and maple themed products at the Hudson Valley | Catskills Welcome Center, a pancake breakfast special all month at the Finger Lakes Welcome Center, special product sampling at the Capital Region Welcome Center, and more. For a complete list of special maple promotions and events hosted by Taste NY, visit here.


Dutch Hill Maple is one of the nearly 150 maple sugarmakers who will host Maple Weekends, helping to boost agri-tourism across New York State. Nate Williams, who grew up with the beloved family tradition of making maple syrup every year with his father and brother, purchased the property that would become Dutch Hill Maple in 2014 with his wife and co-owner Cristy. In 2022, they began construction of a brand-new sugarhouse to better accommodate the needs of their business, and in their 2023 season, Nate and Cristy produced over 5,000 gallons of maple syrup, their highest production yield to date. With the 2024 maple season marking the first year of making syrup in their new sugarhouse, the Williams hope to further expand production.


Dutch Hill Maple Owners Cristy and Nathan Williams said, “This is an exciting time of year for maple producers across the state, as maple trees seem to come alive with the flow of sap, which is then crafted into deliciously sweet maple syrup. Maple Weekends offer a wonderful, family-friendly opportunity to get out and meet the hardworking sugar makers behind the jug on your breakfast table, learn how maple syrup is made right in your “backyard,” and most importantly, taste delicious maple products right at the source. We hope you’ll join us and experience all New York maple has to offer!”


Dutch Hill Maple Farm is also a participant in the New York State Grown & Certified program, which promotes farms that adhere to a higher standard for food safety and environmentally friendly practices. More than 90 maple producers participate in NYS Grown & Certified, which verifies New York’s agricultural producers and growers who adhere to food safety and environmental sustainability standards. Find a current list of maple producers who are a part of the NYS Grown & Certified program at https://certified.ny.gov/wheretobuy.


More than 90 maple producers participate in the NYS Grown & Certified program, which verifies New York’s agricultural producers and growers who adhere to food safety and environmental sustainability standards. Find a current list of maple producers who are a part of the NYS Grown & Certified program at certified.ny.gov/where-buy.


State Senator Michelle Hinchey said, “New York is home to more than 2,000 maple sugar makers, and we proudly hold the title as the country’s largest resource of tappable maple trees! Family-owned businesses are the heart of this fast-growing industry, and their efforts have put New York at the forefront of this agricultural specialty. We want our maple businesses to keep thriving, and during March Maple Month, everyone can play a part by visiting sugar shacks across New York State to stock up on delicious treats and tour the process of local maple production!”


State Senator Rachel May said, “New York is a leading agricultural state due to its production of several commodities, including maple syrup. This delicious New York tradition provides a living for many of our farmers, bolsters the local economy, enriches our communities, and adds flavor to many of the foods we enjoy. It’s exciting to kick off Maple Month by visiting a local farm in Central New York that’s been tapping maple trees for years; their story and others show how deeply rooted maple production is in our state. Let’s celebrate Maple Month by enjoying this sweet treat and supporting our local maple producers.”


Assemblymember Donna Lupardo said, “Maple Weekends in March should not be missed, as 150 maple sugarmakers’ farms open their doors to visitors.  It’s a great opportunity to experience everything that goes into producing maple syrup, and to enjoy other maple products.  We are very proud to support New York’s maple industry and thank the over 2,000 sugarmakers for all the effort that goes into producing this world-class product.”


Assemblymember John Lemondes said, “March is a time to celebrate the great achievements of New York’s maple industry. Not only is New York state home to the largest source of tappable maple trees in the country, but it is also one of its largest producers. Maple production is a staple of Central New York and our state’s agricultural industry as a whole. During this season let’s take time to support our local maple producers and our local farms.”


New York State Maple Producers Association Executive Director Helen Thomas said, “New York State’s Maple season is in full gear as we start the month of March.  Normally a tapping ceremony on March 1 signals the start of the season. We all agree the weather has been unusual this winter – cold weeks with a little snow followed by warm weeks that erase that snow cover. Our maple producers have had to be well prepared for earlier than normal sap runs. Many NY producers are reporting that they have made over half their crop already. The quality is excellent as first runs are often the best of the season.  We look forward to NY Maple Weekends March 16-17 and 23-24 when we invite the public to come to the farm and see the process and taste the results!”


New York Farm Bureau President David Fisher said, “It doesn’t get sweeter than March Maple month in New York State. Maple producers are opening their doors to showcase their farm operations that turn collected sap into delicious maple syrup products. New York Farm Bureau encourages all New Yorkers to enjoy the short season and support their local farm families, and we thank Gov. Hochul and Commissioner Ball for the support of this important part of the state’s diverse farm community.”


Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County Executive Director David Skeval said, “Some of the finest sugar maple on earth grows in Onondaga County, NY.  Sugar maples comprise nearly 70% of all trees grow in Onondaga County.  That, along with our rolling hills, make Onondaga Couty the ideal location for maple sap production.  We are grateful for the support New York State Agriculture and Markets provides the maple industry and are very proud of our maple producers.”


Onondaga County Soil and Water Conservation District Executive Director Mark Burger said, “We recognize and appreciate ALL our maple producers across NYS! Not only do they help us celebrate the first right of spring, they provide us with one of nature’s most nutritious and healthy natural sweeteners! We encourage all New Yorkers to support their local producers and celebrate this great tradition!”


The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets supports the maple industry through the New York State Budget — which includes funding for promotion and educational programs — as well as through investments in research projects, such as Cornell University’s Maple Program’s Arnot Teaching Forest, and through its NYS Grown & Certified and Taste NY marketing programs.


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