In July, filed for the nomination in the Suffolk County executive race, the largest cash on hand ever in an election year.

Today, former prosecutor and business leader running for Suffolk County Executive Dave Calone announced he raised an additional $1.1 million during the six-month financial filing period ending July 13, 2023 . This brings the event’s total fundraising to $1.1 million. That’s about $2.4 million in cash on hand to $2.8 million — the most cash on hand for a nominee in July’s contentious Suffolk County executive race.

Caron’s support during this period came from nearly 1,000 donations, 70 percent of which came from within Suffolk County and 90 percent from New Yorkers.

Most impactfully, Callon ended the reporting period in July with nearly $1 million more in the bank than his counterpart.

“I’m humbled by the outpouring of support from across Suffolk County” Dave Caron says. “Our county is clearly passionate about electing a leader with a background in law enforcement and business to address the challenges we face and, most importantly, keep our families safe and make Suffolk a more affordable place to live , and protect our environment and water”.

“This November, voters will have a clear choice as to who will lead our county, between Ed Romaine and Dave Calone. Ed Romaine Romijn has been in politics for nearly 40 years, contributed to high tax revenue, and Dave Caron is a former prosecutor, business leader, and recognized problem solver for the county” Suffolk County Democratic Party Chairman Rich Schafer said. “Dave is raising resources and running a serious campaign to get his message out to voters in November.”

Caron’s document has strong support from a broad range of Suffolk County stakeholders, including unions, business leaders, law enforcement professionals and community advocates. He continues to build the resources and coalition needed to win the county executive election this November.

Former prosecutor, businessman and community leader Dave Calone is running for Suffolk County Executive to move Suffolk forward by making our communities safer and giving everyone more opportunity. Caron, the son of a public school teacher and engineer, was born and raised in Suffolk County. After studying economics in college and graduating from law school, Dave served as a U.S. Department of Justice Attorney and as a Special Assistant Attorney General for the State of New York. In those roles, he sued companies that robbed consumers and taxpayers, and helped prosecute an al-Qaeda terrorist involved in the 9/11 attacks. For the past 16 years, Dave has pursued innovation and entrepreneurship by starting and building companies that have helped create jobs on Long Island and across the country. He works with the private and public sectors to grow companies and increase opportunities for Suffolk County residents. He is also the husband and father of three children, so strengthening the future of Suffolk County for the next generation is personally tied to him.You can learn more online

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