It’s worth mentioning that in Nassau County, all fireworks are illegal.

The Fourth of July is our nation’s birthday, and it’s supposed to be a fun and safe holiday. County Executive Bruce A. Blakeman and Police Chief Patrick J. Ryder would like to remind Nassau County residents that fireworks awareness and prevention are important issues to discuss with families.

It’s worth mentioning that in Nassau County, all fireworks are illegal. Possession, use or sale of fireworks, including pyrotechnics, is a violation of New York State criminal law and may be considered a misdemeanor or felony. Parents should discuss with their children the potentially damaging consequences of playing with fireworks.

Although the National Day fireworks are very popular, they are extremely harmful. Fireworks stats show…

  • In 2022, at least nine people will die from fireworks in the US and an estimated 11,500 people will be injured requiring hospital care (CPSC). About 74% of injuries occurred in the weeks before and after July 4th celebrations, which should alert anyone handling fireworks to the extreme danger.

  • Children aged 15 and under accounted for 29 percent of injuries. Most injuries occurred to the hands and fingers, followed by legs, eyes, head, face and ears.

County Executive Bruce Blackman and Police Chief Ryder wish Nassau County residents a happy and safe Fourth of July holiday.

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