A sting or bite can be itchy and painful. To treat them, apply a 1 percent hydrocortisone cream, available over the counter.

As temperatures rise, bites from small animals in nature can be harmful. To ensure the safety of Long Islanders this spring and summer, NYU Langone Hospital – Dr. Martin Backer, Long Island Here are some tips to prevent and treat these summer annoyances to ensure a healthy summer!

“To prevent insect bites and stings, Long Islanders should use insect repellent at dusk or when outdoors when there are large numbers of insects,” Dr. Barker said. “Deet products like OFF can be toxic if small children put their hands in their mouths, so parents should stick to natural products that keep bugs out.”

To prevent tick bites, Long Islanders should stay out of the woods as much as possible, but wear long sleeves and pants when in the woods or when walking through tall grass.

A sting or bite can be itchy and painful. To treat them, apply a 1 percent hydrocortisone cream, available over the counter. Taking a bath with oatmeal may also help. Scratching the area can lead to skin infections, so scratch as often as possible.

Long Island residents should see their doctor if they show signs of a severe allergic reaction, such as swollen lips or difficulty breathing, after being bitten or stung by an insect.

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