Free inspections by appointment are offered year-round.
this Governor’s Transportation Safety Committee (GTSC) Parents and carers in Suffolk are reminded today of free car seat inspections by certified child passenger safety technicians Thursday, June 8, in West Islip.
when: Thursday, June 8, 10am-1pm
Where: West Islip Fire Station, 127 Watts Place, West Islip
For more information, please contact Angela Brockmann at (631) 648-7100 ext. 210 or angela.brockmann@eacinc.org.
The event is part of a year-round safety program in which state and local law enforcement agencies and various community safety partners offer free car seat inspections. Trained technicians use a “learn, do and explain” model to educate parents and caregivers how to select and properly install the proper seat for their child’s age and size, as well as their vehicle, for proper use every time.
Those unable to attend this free car seat inspection can make an appointment local fitting station. Find more information Upcoming Car Seat Inspection Events Near You.