by Karen Matthews |

Sarah Hughes, a gold medalist in figure skating at the 2002 Winter Olympics, has applied to run for Congress in New York, joining several other Democrats seeking to oust Long Island Republican Anthony Desposito. D’Esposito).

Hughes, 38, will formally announce her campaign in New York’s 4th Congressional District “in the coming weeks,” spokesman Max Kramer said Tuesday.

Hughes was 16 when he scored her goal Surprise victory over teammate Michelle Kwan 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics.

She later earned an undergraduate degree from Yale University and a law degree from the University of Pennsylvania.

Hughes spent three years as an associate at the Manhattan-based corporate law firm Proskauer Rose and is currently pursuing an MBA at Stanford University.

She made headlines in 2011 when she dating andrew guliani, The son of former New York City mayor and Donald Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani.

Cramer said Hughes, who lives in Manhattan, is looking for a home in Nassau County’s 4th Congressional District in southern and central Nassau County.

Hughes grew up in Great Neck, an adjoining district now represented by Republican George Santos, who pleaded not guilty last week A 13-count federal indictment accuses him of defrauding donors, stealing from his campaign and lying to Congress about his finances.

Both D’Esposito and Santos flipped seats previously held by Democrats, which is New York Republicans looking strong in 2022 in the suburbs surrounding New York City.

Other candidates who have filed for the Democratic nomination for the 4th district include former Hempstead town supervisor Laura Gillen, who narrowly lost to de Esposito in 2022; Patricia Maher; Maher, who ran unsuccessfully against Rep. Peter King in the 2nd Congressional District in 2014; and Lawrence Patrick Henry.

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Above: Headshot of Sarah Hughes, courtesy of her website

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