Jericho Middle School eighth grader Chloe Hu was awarded for her work celebrating actress and inventor Hedy Lamarr.

The Lowell Milken Unsung Heroes Center (LMC) has announced the nine winners of the eighth annual ARTEFFECT competition. The international competition challenges students to creatively interpret the stories of the unsung heroes through original artwork and artist impact statements. Granted by LMC $6,000 Grand Prize To Celine Fong, an 11th grade student at Rye Country Day School in Rye, NY. Eight other winning students from the High School and Middle School received more than $10,000 in cash awards.

“The artwork submitted by our ARTEFFECT winners demonstrates their vision and creative excellence,” said LMC CEO Norm Conard. “Our team at the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes brought these student champions to life Appreciation for their imagination and their excellent work.”

“This is a unique competition that encourages students to explore the unsung heroes as role models and to discover the relevance of their own art-making,” said ARTEFFECT Director Dr. Toni Guglielmo. At the same time, the students also discovered the impact of sharing these stories with the community through their artwork.”

Feng’s oil painting beacon of hope Describes the story of the unsung hero Abdul Hossein Sardari, an Iranian diplomat who saved thousands during World War II by secretly issuing passports in Nazi-occupied France.He was also the only Iranian diplomat who remained in Paris during the occupation, where he persuaded the Germans to exempt Hugutis– Designation for descendants of Persian Jews who continued to practice Judaism from Nazi anti-Semitic measures.

“As a 21st century student and artist, I believe in deep investigation of personal narratives to gain insight into role models for change and engage with powerful stories that can refocus our evolving world,” Fong said in her impact statement wrote in. “By reaffirming the unacknowledged heroes of the past, we have the ability to amplify their contributions, preserve their memory, and better understand our collective history to create an informed future.”

In addition to taking home cash prizes, excerpts of the winners’ work and impact statements are featured on the LMC’s website, listed alongside their sponsoring teachers. Additionally, award-winning artwork is on display at LMC’s Hall of Unsung Heroes in Fort Scott, Kansas, a museum and research center that is visited by thousands of people from around the world each year.

this $3,000 High School Performance Award Awarded to 12th grader Breanna Zaborowski, a recent graduate of Hartland High School in the Detroit suburb of Hartland, Michigan.Zaborowski’s mixed media artwork triple threat A portrait of the unsung hero Florence Kelly is shown with narrative elements. A social reform activist, Kelley spent decades inspecting, advocating and lobbying for safer factories before she helped create the NAACP and WEB Du Bois. Her work led to the Factory Act of 1893, the first U.S. state law prohibiting the employment of children under the age of 14, and the Meat Inspection and Pure Food and Drug Acts of 1906.

win $2,000 High School Second Place prize Amelia Ghannam is an 11th grade student at Hopewell Valley Central High School in Pennington, New Jersey.her entries Hiawatha, uniter of the Iroquois is a chalk crayon drawing commemorating Hiawatha. Hiawatha was Onondaga’s chief and skilled orator, and he helped unite the five nations of Onondaga, Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, and Seneca into the Iroquois Confederacy.

recipient of $2,000 Secondary School Best of Show Award Eighth-grader Jennet Koroglu of La Villa Art Institute in Jacksonville, Florida.her digital artwork no bread! The daring act of unsung hero Gareth Jones represented in a promotional poster. Jones was a 20th-century journalist who exposed the man-made famine that plagued Ukraine under Stalin, known as the Holodomor. His work was boycotted by the American and Soviet media, and he died at the hands of Stalin’s secret police in Japanese-occupied Mongolia.

Jericho Middle School eighth grader Chloe Hu from Jericho, New York won $1,000 Junior Second Prize. Her work The genius inventor behind the beauty Combining pencil and digital art celebrates Hedy Lamarr, an actress and inventor whose discoveries aided the Allies in World War II and became the foundation of modern Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Known as “frequency hopping spread spectrum” (or FHSS), the technique manipulates radio frequencies so that signals hop between frequencies, making it impossible for enemies to jam the signal.

New this year, the LMC has designated a $1,000 Spotlight Award Entries to celebrate unsung heroes who were previously underrepresented in ARTEFFECT competitions. The award went to Nora Morrow, an eighth-grader at the La Villa Art Institute.her job reach for vivian Commemorates on paper, using woodblock printing inks, the unsung hero Vivien Thomas, the physician whose medical research resulted in a surgical solution to “blue baby syndrome.” Thomas created the tools needed to perform surgery on the human body and performed more than 200 operations successfully within a year.

Two students received $500 Certificate of Excellence in high school.Emily Hammill, a 12th grader at Olympia High School in Olympia, Washington, received a certificate for her ceramic sculpture voice of the people This is in honor of the unsung hero John Avery Lomax. Lomax was an American musicologist who recorded and preserved American folk traditions and songs such as “Home on the Ranch.” Emily Dalcamo, an eleventh grader at Spartan High School in Sparta, Sussex County, NJ, celebrates the unsung hero Virginia Apgar in her digital creation Apgar score. Apgar is an obstetric anesthesiologist and inventor of the APGAR score, which determines the health of a baby at 1 and 5 minutes after birth.

Emily Leonard, an eighth grade student from La Villa Art Institute, won $250 Certificate of Excellence in the Secondary School.Leonard’s mixed media sculptures the future of the ocean A tribute to the unsung hero of American marine biologist Sylvia Earle. Earle’s work in conservation and advocacy includes the creation of marine sanctuaries where wildlife can thrive without human interference, and Tektite II, the first human underwater habitat.

The ARTEFFECT jury consisted of executive leadership from LMC and visual arts experts from Scobo Cultural Center, CalArts, Ventura County Museum, and Art Center College of Design.

Submissions for the next ARTEFFECT competition will open in November 2023.access Lowell Milken Unsung Heroes Center to know more information.

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