Renters are tough enough, landlords always have the upper hand, so it seems a shame that pets are often not welcome in rented properties…

Having pets and renting a home are both challenges. Landlords are often reluctant to allow them – barking, chipped cushions, scratched furniture are some of the reasons. But the data shows that 86 million households own pets, and a third of those households rent them. So it must mean that there are a lot of renters who live in other people’s homes with their pets – but how many of them actually declare their pets to their landlords? website Wanted to find out, and surveyed 3,000 pet-owning tenants. They first found that 18 percent of them kept Buddy’s existence a secret — equivalent to about 7.7 million pets across the country. That’s a lot of barking trying to cough, or scratching table legs trying to cover up. In New York, 14% of pet renters admitted not disclosing this to their landlord (equivalent to 456,703 illegal pets)The most guilty pet owners are in Vermont, where the percentage of households hiding illegal pets reaches 50%, or 36,791 furry friends. The most law-abiding pet owners live in Indiana, at just 4 percent, or 32,400 pets.

An interactive map showing the number of illegal pets in each state (Click Embed to host the map on your website)

Rental scarves: The situation is tough enough for renters, landlords always have the upper hand, so it seems a shame that pets are often not welcome in rented properties. However, given the choice, the survey found that 82 percent of pet owners are willing to pay a premium to have their furry friends live with them in a rental home — and that extra cost could easily be used to fix anything that might break. be damaged.

When it comes to how much people are willing to pay in rent, the average amount is $375.69.

Tenant tail: Not all neighbors are turned away just because someone next door has a pet. also hypothetically asks, “If your property renewal was coming up and someone new moved in with a dog, would you consider looking elsewhere?“Only 26% said yes, which shows that the vast majority New Yorker Actually pet friendly.

The research also revealed that two-thirds believe it is fair for landlords to ask tenants to leave if they discover they have pets that are not allowed. Unfortunately, 58% of renters are reluctant to have pets, so it can be difficult to find rental properties that allow pets.

Caring for pets is a responsibility that requires commitment and dedication, but the current rental market often makes it difficult for pet owners to find suitable and affordable accommodation.Discriminatory pet policies and limited pet-friendly options not only place an undue burden on renters, but also deprive them of the joy and companionship that pets bring in their livessays Chris Heller of website Here are 4 tips for convincing your landlord to allow you to have pets in your rental:

1. Talk to the landlord

Getting permission to have pets as a tenant can be difficult, as landlords may include a “no pets” clause in their leases to control the number of pets on their property. However, if you have a good relationship with your landlord and are a responsible tenant, you may be able to convince them to allow you to have a pet. Providing documentation about your prospective pet’s health history and training program can strengthen your case. Many landlords make exceptions for good tenants who make a positive contribution to the rental community.

2. Flexible

Being flexible about your pet options is important to convincing your landlord to allow you to rent your pet. Many landlords have restrictions on the type or size of pets allowed due to noise or potential damage. If your landlord approves pets with certain restrictions, consider being more selective in your pet selection. However, if you have a good relationship with the landlord, they may make an exception for responsible and reliable tenants. So don’t be afraid to talk about the possibility of bringing in a larger pet.

3. Provide documents

If you are a pet owner looking to move into a new rental, providing additional documentation can help show your landlord that you are a responsible pet owner. This may include a letter from your current landlord, veterinary records, training records and neutering records. By demonstrating that your pet is well-behaved and does not disturb others, you can allay landlord concerns about potential property damage or disturbance to other tenants.

4. Willingness to pay more

To convince your landlord to allow you to have a pet, offering to pay extra in the form of a deposit or monthly fee can show your commitment to being a responsible pet owner. While some pet-friendly rentals have upfront policies regarding deposit or rent surcharges, it may be possible to convince some pet-free landlords to make an exception if you’re willing to pay the extra fee. However, pet deposits can be expensive, so be sure to have the necessary budget in place before making an offer.

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