A new immigration law signed into law by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis last week is expected to have a major impact on the state’s construction industry.

The law, which DeSantis signed Wednesday and takes effect July 1, requires private employers with 25 or more employees to confirm workers’ immigration status through an electronic verification system, Dive under construction.

The measure has already had an impact, with some workers in the construction and agriculture industries not showing up for work and leaving the state, CBS Miami Report.

Some experts say the law could also affect how employers do business in the state — employers could be audited and face fines of up to $1,000 if found violating the law.

“I expect this law will lead to further fragmentation of the industry, with smaller groups of subcontractor workforces below the 25-employee limit to avoid compliance with e-verification,” Trent Cotney, a partner at Tampa-based Adams and Reese LLP, told Reuters. Construction Dive. “The construction industry, in particular, is facing a shortage of workers, as evidenced by the dramatic increase in the number of people using division of labour. “

Others said the law, which proponents said would strengthen the state’s economy and enhance security, would have the opposite effect.

“This legislation could have a detrimental effect on the economy here [Florida], because it would make it harder to actually exercise freedom of contract and freedom of labor—which could negatively affect consumer prices and inflation,” Rollins College political science professor Jill Maskivker told Construction Dive. When labor gets stricter, many of these workers may stop paying taxes…for fear of deportation. When this happens, everyone loses, not just employers, not just workers. “

DeSantis, the likely Republican presidential nominee, has not been shy when it comes to tackling controversial issues.

governor locked up A well-publicized battle with DisneyFlorida’s largest employer, after the company announced a moratorium on political contributions following the passage of a so-called “Don’t Talk Gay” law that restricts discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation in schools.

This leads to a fierce battle between the Governor and the House of Mouse, Earlier this year, the state legislature stripped companies of the ability to appoint members to their special tax districts, and delegated that power to the governor.

For its part, Disney has sued the state, claiming the measures taken against it violated the First Amendment.

— Ted Glazer

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