Cole Pratt just wanted to give back.

He told the Daily Voice that he joins the graduating class at Ward Melville High School in 2022.

While some students may feel isolated from others when they transfer schools after freshman year, Pratt said his experience was anything but.

“I’m grateful for the kindness and support from my teachers and fellow students,” he said.

“I have always valued helping others and have been warmly welcomed in the Three Villages [School District] Inspires me to give back to the community as a whole. “

After some brainstorming with friends and family, Platt decided the best way to show his gratitude to the school for their warm welcome would be to raise funds to provide prom gowns, tuxedos, hair, tailors and manicures to students in financial need Serve.

“The idea of ​​helping kids my age be able to have experiences that they will remember for a lifetime really struck me,” Pratt said.

The first fundraiser raised a total of $3,000, which was donated to 26 different students.

“It was a truly selfless act for Cole,” said Stacey Zeidman, vice principal at Ward Melville High School.

“He didn’t know the specific students he was helping … We are so grateful to Cole and his contributions to our school and community.”

Pratt hopes to end his senior year with another prom fundraiser. So far, the second annual Ward Melville Ball fundraiser GoFundMe page has raised a total of $1,345.

To top the amount he raised last year, Pratt (who is the frontman of the pop and rock band) teamed up with Port Jefferson’s Tavern and Bar for an event on Tuesday, May 16 starting at 3 p.m.

Pratt’s band will play live music at the restaurant from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., and he said all tips the band receives — and 15 percent of the event’s gross proceeds — will go directly to the ball fundraiser.

Although this is Platt’s final year at Ward Melville, it appears his legacy of goodwill will have a lasting impact on the school’s halls.

Both Platt and Zeidman agreed to make the fundraiser an annual tradition that will be hosted by different students over time.

For now, however, Pratt is enjoying the last few weeks of his senior year, preparing for college and doing what he can to make his second year of fundraising as big as possible.

He told the Daily Voice that the fundraiser has shown him “the great joy of giving back,” a lesson that will stay with him for years to come.

To donate to GoFundMe, click here.

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