Mortgage obligations may not be part of the Mandarin, but their importance cannot be overstated; they hold the key to tens of billions of dollars in potential default.

About $88 Billion of Securitized Mortgages at Risk of Default, WSJ Report, estimated using Trepp. Of these mortgages, 42% were backed by apartment buildings, with the majority of apartment loans packaged as CLOs.

A CLO is a unique financing mechanism for condo purchases. They are mortgages packaged into bonds and sold to investors.Before the epidemic, they One of the fastest growing market segments In commercial real estate finance.

As banks have grown more cautious after the global financial crisis, CLOs have grown in popularity because homeowners can take on less equity and more debt than traditional mortgages. Short term and variable rates also allow the owner to sell or refinance more quickly.

These elements have helped homeowners in recent years. Over the past year, however, they have become less and less helpful when the Federal Reserve began raising interest rates on a sustained basis, a move that hampered nearly every type of financing across the industry.

Defaults haven’t become ubiquitous, but they are rising as buildings backing mortgages can’t raise enough cash to pay their debts. According to CRED iQ, only 0.4% of CLOs were in arrears in July, but that had jumped to 1.4% by the end of April.

At the same time, the market for the issuance of these debts is collapsing. Fears of an economic slowdown amid the pandemic gave way to rising rents and a sudden boom in multifamily transactions. After $8.7 billion in CLOs were issued in 2020, a record $45.4 billion was issued a year later, according to CRED iQ.

According to Trepp, in the first quarter of 2023, there will only be two CLO issuances.These transactions together accounted for More $1.1 trillion.

CLO defaults pose a greater risk to lenders than bondholders because lenders typically hold the most junior bonds they create, sending them to the back of the queue to get paid.

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Major issuers of CLOs include Arbor Realty Trust, LoanCore Capital and affiliates of Blackstone. tidal stock Also a big proponent of CLOs, using them in part to buy $1.7 billion worth of condominiums in 2021.

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