This week, the Texas Senate finally approved a proposal to limit Chinese citizens’ ownership of Texas land.

The proposal, drafted by Republican Senator Lois Kolkhorst, would bar entities linked to any country that “poses a risk to U.S. national security” from buying agricultural land, forest land and oil and gas rights, The Texas Tribune Report. The measure now goes to the Texas House of Representatives for consideration.

The proposal is less extreme than previous versions, which would have outright banned all land sales to dual citizens and businesses with ties to China, Iran, North Korea or Russia. The revised measure was in response to opposition from Asian-American groups and advocates who said it was impossible for dual citizens and immigrants to buy a home or start a business, the outlet reported.

“This ensures that we strengthen our food security, energy security and national security,” Kolkhorst said. “You can come and buy your business. You can have your restaurant.”

Senate Bill 147 would also allow the Texas Attorney General’s Office to investigate potential violations and transfer case to court If there is a “reasonable suspicion” that it is related to a buyer associated with one of the specified countries.

Kolkhorst said the legislation is an extension of a law passed in 2021 that bars Texas businesses and government officials from conducting infrastructure deals with affiliates of the four countries.A real estate in Xinjiang tycoon’s purchase Del Rio’s roughly 140,000-acre wind farm prompted legislation.

Other states are taking similar action.Florida lawmakers just introduced a House bill that would ban chinese From buying real estate anywhere in the state.

Last year, the Chinese Communist Party banned key member and their families avoid acquiring real estate assets abroad to protect states from sanctions, such as those proposed by Texas and Florida.

— Quinn Donoghue

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