State police and local law enforcement will conduct special DUI operations from June 30 to July 5.
Governor Hochul announced today that New York State Police will increase patrols during the Fourth of July holiday to combat drunk driving, drunk driving and reckless driving. This special enforcement period will begin at 6pm on Friday, June 30, 2023 and run until 3am on Wednesday, July 5, 2023.
“We want New Yorkers to have fun this holiday weekend, but they must do so responsibly,” Governor Hocher said. “State police and local law enforcement will be on New York roads again this holiday weekend. We have zero tolerance for drivers whose reckless behavior endangers the lives of others, and we will hold those who do so accountable.”
New York State Police Acting Superintendent Steven A. Nigrelli said, “The Fourth of July is known for its joy and fireworks, but New Yorkers should remember that the fun can turn deadly if you don’t make the right decisions. Soldiers will be out and about this holiday weekend, looking for action Inconvenient people, drugged, reckless drivers put lives at risk. Remember, put your phone down, drive soberly, follow the traffic rules, and enjoy time with family and friends responsibly.”
Mark JF Schroeder, Commissioner of the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles and Chairman of the Governor’s Transportation Safety Committee, said, “One of the great ways to celebrate Independence is to never have a vehicle with an injured driver or an injured friend in the car. Let us all mark our nation’s birthday by taking common-sense steps to reach our destination safely: ensure that all Passengers are well protected, obeying speed limits, avoiding distractions such as cell phone use, making layover plans, giving rides or assigning a driver when intoxicated.”
During this enforcement period, drivers may encounter sobriety checkpoints and DUI patrols. Police will also look for motorists who use mobile phones and other electronic devices while driving. When driving on New York roads, drivers should also remember to “give way” to stopped emergency and dangerous vehicles.
Police will use marked State Police vehicles and Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement (CITE) vehicles as part of the operation. CITE vehicles make it easier for soldiers to identify drivers using handheld devices while driving. These vehicles blend into everyday traffic, but once the emergency lights are activated, they are clearly emergency vehicles.
In total, police issued 11,873 tickets, made 187 arrests for drunk driving and investigated 775 accidents, including two fatalities, during enforcement last July 4.
The 4th of July initiative is partially funded by Governor’s Transportation Safety Committee (GTSC). GTSC and NYS STOP-DWI Foundation remind motorists that their Make a Plan Mobile App, for Apple, Droid and Windows smartphones. The app enables New Yorkers to find and call a taxi or ride-sharing service and compile a list of designated drivers. It also provides information on drink-driving laws and penalties, and provides ways to report suspected drunk drivers.
If you drive under the influence of alcohol or use drugs, you not only put your own life and the lives of others at risk, but you could also face arrest, jail time, large fines, and attorney fees. The average cost of a DUI arrest is $10,000.
Drunk and drugged drivers caught face revoked licenses, higher insurance premiums and dozens of unexpected costs including attorney fees, fines and court costs, car towing and repairs and lost work.
The New York State Police and GTSC recommend the following simple tips to prevent drunk driving:
plan your way home safely forward the fun begins; -
Designate a sober driver before drinking alcohol; -
If you are unwell, take a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, or use public transportation; -
use the community’s sober riding program; -
If you suspect a driver is intoxicated or intoxicated on the road, contact local law enforcement immediately; -
If you know someone who is going to be driving or riding while unwell, take their keys and help them make other arrangements to get to their destination safely.