“We must act to restore trust in elected officials, which is why I am introducing the Campaign Integrity Act,” said Lawmaker Rafazan.
In the ongoing fallout from the unprecedented scandal surrounding congressman-elect George Santos, Nassau County Legislator Joshua A. Lafazan (D-Woodbury) is pushing for new safeguards to prevent similar The crisis is happening again at the local level.
Recently, local youth community leaders Bryce Mack and Aiden Davis, along with Legislator Lafazan, introduced new county campaign honesty legislation that would make It becomes a misdemeanor for a candidate to lie about their registered address, employment history, education and/or source of income. Those were among the key biographical details that Santos, the congressman-elect, was found to have misrepresented or lied about in the New York Times exposure and subsequent investigative reports.
“When ordinary citizens apply for a job with a company, background checks are done. If they’re caught lying on their resume, they don’t get the job,” said Lawmaker Rafazan. “We must take action to restore trust in elected officials, which is why I am introducing the Campaign Integrity Act—a piece of legislation first of its kind on Long Island to ensure candidates do not commit voter fraud and are serious about the people they want to serve. honest.”